Im getting that bug happen to me, but Im on 2.9.2
% dpkg -l ansible
Im getting that bug happen to me, but Im on 2.9.2
% dpkg -l ansible
Im getting that bug happen to me, but Im on 2.9.2
% dpkg -l ansibleDesired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
> Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
>/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
>>/ Name Version Architecture Description
ii ansible 2.9.2-1ppa~xenial all Ansible IT Automation
The code in question:
msg: "/usr/lib/postgresql-{{ postgresqlversion }}/bin/pg_dump -h
/run/postgresql/{{ postgresqlversion }} -C --clean {{ dbname }}|
/usr/bin/pigz > {{ dbbackuplocation }}/{{ oldversion }}_{{ dbname }}_{{
dbbackups.matched }}.sql.gz"
`In the above, oldscmversion is:
% cat vars/demo-scmversion.ymloldversion: 19.10
You need to make it a string by quoting it; otherwise it's treated as a floating point number. This is yaml behavior.
James Cassell
Im getting that bug happen to me, but Im on 2.9.2
%dpkg -l ansibleDesired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
>/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err:uppercase=bad)
>>/Name Version Architecture
ii ansible 2.9.2-1ppa~xenial all
AnsibleIT Automation>
The code in question:
msg:"/usr/lib/postgresql-{{ postgresqlversion }}/bin/pg_dump -h /run/postgresql/{{ postgresqlversion }} -C --clean {{
dbname }}| /usr/bin/pigz > {{ dbbackuplocation }}/{{ oldversion }}_{{ dbname }}_{{ dbbackups.matched }}.sql.gz"
>In the above, oldscmversion is:
%cat vars/demo-scmversion.ymloldversion:19.10
>However the resulting filename for the above once rendered is "19.1"
Ill confess to not know how to find out what version of ansible that bug was actually addressed, but given it was back
in 2015, I suspect the fix referred to is in the version I am using. Can anyone help / suggest a work around?
I would try to tell Ansible that I really want a string:
oldversion: '19.10'
Thank you all for your assistance
141 - name: write the version to an variables file we can include in other plays
142 copy:
143 dest: “vars/{{ appname }}-version.yml”
144 content: “oldversion: ‘{{ oldversion }}’”
145 delegate_to: localhost
146 when:
147 - existingapp.stat.exists == True
With {{ oldversion }} in single quotes. Other things I tried including (on line 144) {{ oldversion | quote }} and {{ oldversion | string }} where in the task where Im rendering the command for the backup. e.g.
/usr/lib/postgresql-{{ postgresqlversion }}/bin/pg_dump -h /run/postgresql/{{ postgresqlversion }} -C --clean {{ dbname }}| /usr/bin/pigz > {{ dbbackuplocation }}/{{ oldversion | string }}{{ dbname }}{{ dbbackups.matched }}.sql.gz