yum install gcc?

Still lost as a ball in high weeds. Oh well.

I need to install the InfoBlox client into my running Docker container awx_task:9.2.0. I think I’ve figured out I need to run bash within that container and create a new virtualenv there, and that the venv needs psutils. I’m failing at the pre-req for psutils of installing gcc. This seems to be a well-known issue, but the solution does not seem to be so well known. Does anyone here have a pointer to that solution?

Here’s my script:

/var/lib/awx/venv/awx/bin/pip install virtualenv
/var/lib/awx/venv/awx/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
mkdir /opt/middleware-envs
chmod 0755 /opt/middleware-envs
virtualenv /opt/middleware-envs/infoblox-venv
yum install gcc
/opt/middleware-envs/infoblox-venv/bin/pip install psutil
/opt/middleware-envs/infoblox-venv/bin/pip install -U “ansible == 2.10.4”
/opt/middleware-envs/infoblox-venv/bin/pip install infoblox-client

My error is:

bash-4.4# yum install gcc
CentOS-8 - AppStream 0.0 B/s | 0 B 00:00
Failed to download metadata for repo ‘AppStream’
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo ‘AppStream’

Fun things I’ve tried include changing the repo from mirrorlist.centos.org to vault.centos.org (gcc is not in vault) and building gcc-9.2.0.tar.gz (the compiler cannot be configured due to the lack of a compiler … the irony).

Thank you.
