Yay, issues list is looking good! / Short term plans

This is looking good


My priorities for this are:

– resolve whatever we need to out of the /bin/ans-command /bin/ansible merger, so patterns work exactly like we want
– tweak /bin/ansible output a tiny bit more
– code cleanup and reog, so we can remain true to our claim of everything being super simple
– add error handling to all modules so typos and weird remote configurations in ansible-playbook don’t surprise people and are self explanatory
– come up for a really good deployment demo for ansible-playbook so I can blog about it and whatever

I think after that stabilizes, and the core is good and solid, we can work at loading it up with modules. I am going to try to contain feature-itis
for a while, or at least until we have the beginning of a basic test battery. I have some good ideas of being able to exercise module tests
directly on the modules (for most of them) so it will be pretty easy. Then we can start cleaning up module implementations a bit too.

The only other big ‘hard’ thing out there, that I see, is how we want to teach every module how to run async jobs. There’s a ticket for that too.
And it doesn’t have to come immediately.

We’ll be a huge % of the way to something very usable very soon!
