name: allow group wheel to run sudo with password
shell: “perl -i.bak -pe ‘s|^# %wheel[\s\t]+ALL=(ALL)[\s\t]+NOPASSWD|%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD|g’ /etc/sudoers creates=/etc/sudoers.bak”
yaml lint syntax check go green
ansible says:
ERROR: Syntax Error while loading YAML script, /etc/ansible/localhost/roles/base/tasks/05-usersetup.yml
Note: The error may actually appear before this position: line 11, column 34
name: allow group wheel to run sudo with password
shell: “perl -i.bak -pe ‘s|^# %wheel[\s\t]+ALL=(ALL)[\s\t]+NOPASSWD|%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD|g’ /etc/sudoers creates=/etc/sudoers.bak”
I think it mis understand some characters there but not sure what. Any idea?
Using the shell module to call perl to replace text in a file is jumping through a lot of hoops. Ansible aims for simple. I’d recommend using the template module ( and template out the whole sudoers file. If you must replace text, use the replace module: In either case I’d recommend you use the “validate” option, so you can ensure the sudoers file has the proper syntax and you don’t lock yourself out of the box.
Using the shell module to call perl to replace text in a file is jumping
through a lot of hoops. Ansible aims for simple. I'd recommend using the
template module ( and
template out the whole sudoers file. If you must
I already switch to use the template: module sfor it, just see it is
It should work but not work as expected. I hope we found some bug somewhere
and clean it up.