with_items: not working for me.


Can someone please let me know why I am getting this error message when using with_items? Error message my task are as follows.

ERROR: Syntax Error while loading YAML script, /var/lib/awx/projects/_11813__automated_aws_cloud_watch_alarms/roles/cloudwatch_alarms/tasks/main.yml Note: The error may actually appear before this position: line 30, column 1 with_items: - { name: ‘test-alarm’, metric: ‘CPUUtilization’ } ^ This one looks easy to fix. It seems that there is a value started with a quote, and the YAML parser is expecting to see the line ended with the same kind of quote. For instance: when: “ok” in result.stdout Could be written as: when: ‘“ok” in result.stdout’ or equivalently: when: “‘ok’ in result.stdout”


you indented with_items too much

Thanks for the help!