With ansible CLI can I output standard out?

I tried the --verbose option, but the same standard out that I can see when executing ansible-playbook is not there. Please advise.

Thank you!

can you be more specific? give an example of what you are running and
trying to get.

Hi Brian,
I am just talking about a standard output you get in the console when you run ansible playbook. Here’s the sample command:

ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml my_playbook.yml

and the sample output:

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************

ok: [service]

TASK: [./…/…/comp-service | do something (service servers OOS on LB) if ENV is production] ***

skipping: [service]

TASK: [./…/…/comp-service | debug msg=" do something {{ LOADBALANCER_IP }} (service servers OOS on LB)"] ***

skipping: [service]

TASK: [./…/…/comp-service | do something (service servers OOS on LB) if ENV is not production] ***

skipping: [service]

Now, this is available through running ansible-playbook command. But when running tower-cli - just like this - “tower-cli job launch --job-template JobTemplate --monitor --verbose --extra-vars extravars.yml” the standard out is not there.

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