Windows service status not changing from stoppending to stopped

While executing my playbook, I cancelled the playbook execution when win_service task for stopping a service was in play. When I re-ran the playbook, it failed to stop the windows service. The windows service status was changed from “running” to “stoppending” after the first playbook execution. The status of the service is displayed as “Stopping” on the windows machine.

The code snippet from my playbook is as below:-


  • hosts: all
    gather_facts: no

  • name: Service ‘XYZ’ exists?
    name: XYZ
    register: XYZ_service

  • name: Stop ‘XYZ’ service
    name: XYZ
    state: stopped
    when: XYZ_service.exists

Is this an expected behavior?

Please provide a solution this problem.