win_domain, win_reboot, what to wait or test_command for?

When making a domain in ansible, ive been a playbook like this,


  • hosts: domaincontrollers[0]

  • name: make the domain
    dns_domain_name: foo.local
    safe_mode_password: A1!vagrant
    register: check_domain

  • name: Reboot to complete domain setup
    test_command: ‘exit (Get-Service -Name Netlogon).Status -ne “Running”’
    post_reboot_delay: 600
    when: check_domain.changed

  • name: Make a domain admin
    name: dom
    upn: dom@foo.local
    password: A1!vagrant

  • Domain Admins


The example test command doesnt wait long enough and says the domain doesnt exist when i try to add a user. the console just says “applying settings” and it wont work till thats done. So what should i test for?