Why when_boolean and not when_true/when_false?

when_true/when_false makes a bit more sense to me than does when_boolean. I might assume that when_boolean applies to a boolean value, but when_true/when_false not only makes that explicit, it also:

a) allows you to check for both values rather than just one
b) is explicit about which value wins. when_boolean could mean that true wins, or it could mean that any boolean value does. *I* know which this is, but it's ambiguous.

Would it make sense to replace these with when_true/false and to deprecate when_boolean, or to provide them in addition to when_boolean?

Until then, what is the syntax for checking for a false boolean value? I suppose I could just leave it unset, but I'd rather explicitly state that a value is true or false rather than assuming unset == false.


Because it's more flexible.

when_boolean does a cast of every token in there to a boolean, ex, you
can technically do:

when_boolean: $a != $b

when_boolean: $a and ( $b or $c )