Hi all,
I'm thinking about signing up for ansiblefest but i'm curious who all
is going.
Has anyone already signed up? Is anyone thinking about giving a talk?
I'm trying to figure out what kind of talk I'd give if I wanted to.
Hi all,
I'm thinking about signing up for ansiblefest but i'm curious who all
is going.
Has anyone already signed up? Is anyone thinking about giving a talk?
I'm trying to figure out what kind of talk I'd give if I wanted to.
Tim, Said, and I are definitely going
We should share a bit more about AnsibleFest before we have a landing
page up. AnsibleFest is going to be a 1-day mini-conference event and
we are going to encourage lots of community talks about how people are
deploying interesting things with Ansible.
Tim and myself will also be giving some focused talks as well --
including a demo of some new released features (roadmap) as well as
some complex deployment related topics and demos.
If anyone wants to submit a talk, email me at
michael@ansibleworks.com. Some limited travel compensation may be
available for overseas folks who are also going to present. Basically
we'll be shooting for 35-40 minutes of talk time, about about 10
minutes of Q&A per talk. Talks should be submitted before
AnsibleFest, as early as you can to make sure we can reserve you a
spot and see how many tracks we want to have.
We do not have the venue pinned down just yet, but we're going to get
something within walking distance of the T, most definitely, ideally
this would be something like
downtown Boston or Cambridge. We'll probably go hit some
establishments afterward and it should be a great time.
I noticed Red Hat Summit is also during this week, so if you are going
to Summit, perhaps you would like to catch AnsibleFest while you are
in town.
ps -- in your case Seth, anything on how Fedora infrastructure works
(and how Ansible fits in) would be interesting to me, because it's a
Linux distribution with a lot of volunteers from all over the world,
and I think that would be interesting for everyone else too.
going to summit. sucks that they overlap
The Eventbrite link for AnsibleFest mentions AnsibleFest on the 13th of June, which overlaps with the summit, but I think Michael also mentioned that it was June 15th. And, that date doesn’t overlap with the summit. So, maybe the Eventbrite date needs to be updated?
Sorry, I typed the wrong date in *MY* email.
The website is correct -- it is June 13th.
I’m planning on going. Haven’t thought about whether I’d give a talk.
I have tentative plans to go but, due to my projected Ansible-adoption schedule, I’ll largely be a consumer of any information.