whitelist callback plugin

I am working on callback plugin https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/plugins/callback.html
and found I can control to whitelist a specific callback plugin like this way in a playbook run.

ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_WHITELIST=notify_me ansible-playbook node-build.yml

Anyone knows if it is possible to do so with AWX?


If I’m not mistaken, if you put ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_WHITELIST env variable under extra environment variables section of settings → jobs, it should be applied.
Just keep in mind that it should be json formated.

Dana nedjelja, 9. kolovoza 2020. u 23:05:49 UTC+2 korisnik speci...@gmail.com napisao je:


Do you mean this?
AWX → Template → a job → Details (settings) → Extra Variables (json)

Not really. That would set an extra variable for the playbook runtime.
What you are looking for is a way to set an environment variable.
You will need to have admin access on awx, then navigate to awx settings → jobs.
This is what you are looking for (17.2. Jobs), at the bottom of the screen you will see extra environment variables:


Dana ponedjeljak, 10. kolovoza 2020. u 21:53:17 UTC+2 korisnik speci...@gmail.com napisao je:

I see. I was hoping a playbook user can whitelist a different plugin flexibly depending on which playbook he runs (like the ansible-playbook command line example)…

thank you