Whats your favourite YAML/YML editor

Just wondering what everyone uses to edit/develop there YAML/YML scripts and if any editors have built in SYNTAX highlighting/debug for assisting in catching indention issues.


I use Emacs, and recently found https://github.com/yoshiki/yaml-mode; it
seems pretty good.

                                      -Josh (jbs@care.com)

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I use Microsoft Visual Studio Code,

Bash on windows's vi (basically Ubuntu) does yaml syntax highlighting out of the box, althoughi find it a lot easier to read if you change the text to black and the background to white. Notepad++ also yaml aware. Sometimes I use yamllint.com too.


Bash on windows’s vi (basically Ubuntu) does yaml syntax highlighting out of the box, althoughi find it a lot easier to read if you change the text to black and the background to white. Notepad++ also yaml aware. Sometimes I use yamllint.com too.

Is it easier to read because of the white background or because of the syntax highlighting colours not really being visible against a dark background? vim has an option for dark background: set background=dark , which helps a lot when I use a terminal emulator with a dark background.


I use SublimeText 3. It helps with indentation and has good syntax highlighting. Atom is another good editor I hear.

I use vim which has good syntax highliting (using yaml with doublecolon, not equal to have good highliting, not a problem because it is the prefered way to write yaml)



3 mai 2017 10:09 “Fredrik Rambris” <fredrik@rambris.com> a écrit:

Thanks for the set background=dark tip, I will give that a try.

Hello Guys,

I am using Atom, however I would like to know if have good package to compile YAML and good package to make syntax validation.

Is there any package are using will be good tips?


Hello there,

there is a Ansible plugin for IntelliJ (community edition is sufficient) which even has a rudimentary navigation capability, so you may directly navigate to included roles (does not work for nested roles, however).
