What parameters are possible for "include"?

when I want to include another file, which includes a list of tasks, what parameters are possible to pas to the include to have them forwarded to the task? For example, I set “tags” when including something, maybe to reduce some duplication. How can I know which parameters can work and which don’t. For example “remote_user”, “become”, “become_user” etc. Is there a place where there is a synopsis of the include command? Or am I supposed to read the code, which I haven’t yet.

Thanks for help ad regards,


To clarify, I am looking for a good general way to reuse tasks in different context (for example with different “ansible_user”, different “become_user” …) without explicitly giving defaults at all times. I understand there is a tradeoff here, but the question is really, what’s the best way to find out?

** some_task.yml **

The inline mode is only for vars, not directives:

- include: some-task.yml
  become: "{{ mybecome}}"
  become_user: "{{ mybecome_user }}"

Also naming vars the same as directives can lead to confusion.

Thank you! Can you point me to the documentation somewhere, where this is clarified?