Hey all,
Happily (and with help from folks on this forum) I am able to do rolling deploys a la the lamp_haproxy example on all of the providers covered by Ansible’s cloud modules: rackspace, aws, do, linode and gce – yay!
Next up: how would github.com/ansible/ansible-examples/tree/master/lamp_haproxy be modified or used in context with a CI component?
I can’t now find the few Ansible configuration references I may have seen shown in online presentations by Michael or Tim, but I think I recall they each showed a CI step directly in the context of a rolling deploy playbook? Is that right? If not, I might expect the flow to be something like: git pull, CI server tests pass, CI server kicks off rolling deploy.
Any references to latest-greatest web app CI-Ansible strategies greatly appreciated. Here are the two that most interest me: