What does this Ansible SSH unreachable error mean? "ERROR! (25, 'Inappropriate ioctl for device')", "unreachable": true}

I have a host (a rasberry pi connected to my macbook via an ethernet cable) which I am successfully able to connect to via SSH from terminal via the command ‘ssh pi@’, yet my Ansible playbook fails to connect to this host with the same IP address specified, and fails with the cryptic error ‘Inappropriate ioctl for device’.

I have successfully used Ansible to configure this pi elsewhere, via connecting to the pi through Wifi, but only since connecting to the Pi through ethernet do I get this ioctl error.

Here is a stack overflow question describing my issue in more detail:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36465371/what-does-ansible-error-error-25-inappropriate-ioctl-for-device-unreac

Thank you for any help, I am totally a loss at this error, and what could be different about the way Ansible connects to the host from the way I have been connecting via ssh from the terminal.
