[WARNING]: The "winrm" connection plugin has an improperly configured remote target value, forcing "inventory_hostname" templated value instead of the string

Upgraded from ansible-5.6 to ansible-5.9, along with all the package dependency that ansible-5.9 requires.

Now all my windows playbooks throw this warning.

[WARNING]: The “winrm” connection plugin has an improperly configured remote target value, forcing “inventory_hostname” templated value instead of the string

My GoogleFu failed me and I could not find a fix to this problem. I thought I’d find a migration guide for moving 5.6 to 5.9 but I did not find a guide.

After the WARNING the ansible.windows.setup output does not look correct (at least compared to 5.6)

<inventory_hostname> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: Administrator@XXX.DOMAIN.COM on PORT 5986 TO inventory_hostname

No sure how to fix this problem.

My gut tells me something needs to change in my winrm or kerberos variables in my inventory file but I am unable to find docs on what changes are needed for ansible-5.9

Any help would be appreciated.


Throwing stuff at the wall, I’ve tried the ansible.cfg from https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/stable-2.9/examples/ansible.cfg as well as ansible-config init --disabled -t all > ansible.cfg

This was a bug in ansible-core 2.13.0, and will be resolved in 2.13.1 which is scheduled for release on June 20. See https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/77894

Thanks for the quick response.