Want to run ansible tasks on remote host

In my scenario i have inventory of three machines localhost, host2 and host3. I want to run some tasks/commands on host3 while my ansible playbook is still playing on host2 without switching from host2 to host3 - is that possible? I can use local_action module but that runs the tasks on localhost but i want command to execute on host3 while i am on host2. Would be great if some one can give pointers. Below might explain what i am trying to achieve:

 - name: Playing host2
   hosts: host2
   become: yes
    - name: run following commands on host3
      local_action: command <command1 for host3>
      local_action: command <command2 for host3>
    - name: continue to run host2
      command: <command for host2>

Is there any substitute for local_action such that i can run the commands on host3 and not on

Many Thanks, Deepak

My ansible is deployed on localhost - from local host i am runnning the playbboks and i want run commands on host3 and then come back to host2. I tried using delegate_to: host3 but then i am getting Failed to connect to the host via ssh

Can anyone please suggest?

You want delegate_to: host3, docs at http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_delegation.html#delegation

Thanks Brian, delegate_to: did work for me