wait_for, ssh config, & SOCKs


I am trying to figure out how to use wait_for to start to detect ssh on a VPC host that needs to use 2 tunnels to be reached. I cannot use the IP address as it collides with my local network. DNS also doesn’t work but my tunnels work fine. I’m using SOCKs because I use a browser to access the VPC too.

Here is my setup in pictograph:

Dev → bastion.Prod → Bastion.AWS → VPC/internal

There is ONLY ssh available via Dev & bastion.Prod, hence SOCKs tunnel1 for the rest of *.example.com hosts. Bastion.AWS can only be reached via Prod via SSH hence a 2nd SOCKS tunnel. Bastion.AWS can only reach VPC via ssh. is the bastion subnet. is the internal subnet. I’m launching instances into VPC/

I use Host namespaces in .ssh/config (which are generally NOT dns resolvable from Dev) to decide the tunnel to use.

I can only reach bastion.example.com directly and by it’s resolvable dns name - the only dns resolvable name.

My tunnel works as follows:

Host *.example.com
ProxyCommand nc -x localhost:1080 %h %p
Host ec2
ServerAliveInterval 50
DynamicForward localhost:1090
User ec2-user
ProxyCommand nc -x localhost:1080 54.165.xx.yy 22

Host ip-10-0-1-*.ec2.internal
ProxyCommand nc -x localhost:1090 %h %p
User ubuntu
IdentityFile /home/me/.ssh/soc-proto-internal.pem


Host ip-10-0-0-*.ec2.internal
ProxyCommand nc -x localhost:1090 %h %p
User ec2-user
IdentityFile /home/fortescu/.ssh/soc-proto-useast1.pem



dev # ssh -vvv -D 1080 -N -q me@bastion.example.com

OpenSSH_6.2p2, OSSLShim 0.9.8r 8 Dec 2011



dev # ssh ec2

Amazon Linux version 2015.03 is available.

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-0-188 ~]$


Now, from Dev the following works fine:

dev # ssh ip-

Last login: Tue Jun 2 19:15:07 2015 from ip-10-0-0-188.ec2.internal



So how can I get this to work with wait_for?! The ‘private_dns_name’ emits and is in the tmp wait_for python script so it’s got the right form. I can even grab the that same address while waiting on wait_for and ssh into it!
Here’s the relevant ansible play:



  • name: Launch Opscenter instances


key_name: “{{ key_name }}”

group_id: “{{ security_group }}”

instance_type: “{{ instance_type }}”

image: “{{ image }}”

wait: true

region: “{{ region }}”

vpc_subnet_id: “{{ subnet_id }}”

assign_public_ip: no

ebs_optimized: no


Name: “cassandra_opscenter”

dbtype: cassandra

register: ec2

  • name: Logging

debug: msg=“{{ item }}”

with_items: ec2.instances

  • name: Add new instance to host group

add_host: hostname={{ item[‘private_dns_name’] }} ansible_ssh_host={{ item[‘private_dns_name’] }} groups=launched,opscenter_nodes

with_items: ec2.instances

  • name: Wait for SSH to come up

local_action: wait_for port=22 host=“{{ item[‘private_dns_name’] }}” search_regex=OpenSSH delay=10

with_items: ec2.instances

I know I must be missing something obvious but it seems like wait_for is stubborning trying to use DNS (which will fail) instead of .ssh/config.

Am I chasing a unicorn here? Can this be made to work?

Any and all advice deeply appreciated.


Hi Chris,

wait_for doesnt not use ssh/config files and will uses tcp connection to test if port 22 is open for connection and hence tries to lookup the ip via dns. maybe you could try the below to test if ssh has come up or not.

local_action: shell ssh “{{item[‘private_dns_name’] }}” echo hello

register: foo

retries: 5

delay: 5

until: foo.stdout.find(‘hello’) != -1

Hi Benno,

Et voila! That worked great.

A deep bow.
