[Vote ended on 2023-12-04] Release schedule for holiday releases

I’ve proposed this over the weekend and wanted to give people more than just Monday to comment.

But since aligning more closely with ansible-core seems to be uncontroversial, I don’t have a problem with starting the vote tomorrow and ending it on December 4th.

That is, tomorrow afternoon or evening CET.


Vote (ending December 4th) on the following proposal:

  1. Change the Ansible 9 roadmap (specifically: the timing of minor releases) as proposed in Ansible 9: Follow ansible-core more closely so we do not have to discuss what to do every time when ansible-core delays a release.

  2. Announce the change of our release policy on Bullhorn with:

From now on, the Ansible community package release schedule will follow the Ansible Core release schedule, including (for example) delays for holidays. This means Ansible releases happen every four weeks through most of the year, but release dates may be delayed when Ansible Core release is.

For the upcoming holiday season, this means that there will be no Ansible release in early January, but instead on January 30th.

Steering Committee vote
  • yes / accept
  • no / reject
0 voters
Community vote
  • yes / accept
  • no / reject
0 voters
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You’re missing a comma between season and this, but otherwise, this looks good to me :+1:.

Also, @mariolenz, I assume you want to vote on your own proposal :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Since we’re starting to see more polls now, I’ll drop in a link to this tool I created which lists all the currently open polls on the forum.

I’ve added it to the sidebar so you can find it again later, let me know if it needs any updates :stuck_out_tongue:


Since this is the very first vote in the forum, let’s ping @SteeringCommittee! Fellow Steering Committee members, please consider the above vote :slight_smile:


Hi @gwmngilfen , neat tool, thanks for that!

I just noticed that Lets try a vote in the SC style - #2 by gotmax23 is still showing up, but when we go to that link, the topic itself is closed, so clearly the topic and the poll are not coupled in the sense that the poll should be pointless after the topic is closed. Would that be something easy to achieve? Not demanding, just asking out of curiosity.

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I think that topic closed because I enabled auto-close on the Sandbox while we were playing around, and it hasn’t seen any activity. That isn’t enabled on Project Discussions so we shouldn’t hit that scenario.

However, to answer your question - no, I don’t think there’s any tooling to link closed polls to closed topics. You could script something using the API of course, but I don’t think there’s anything native.

This vote has been approved! I don’t have permissions to close the voting polls. @mariolenz, can you please take care of that?

Steering committee (+7,-0): felixfontein; gotmax23; mariolenz; gundalow; briantist; Andersson007; russoz

Community (+5,-0): samccann; gwmngilfen; Leo; cybette; anwesha


I can confirm the vote counts. So this proposal has passed :tada:


I closed the polls since I was passing. I will look into what permissions are needed to do that, we might be able to do a group thing :slight_smile:

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Thanks @gotmax23 and @felixfontein for counting! And thanks @gwmngilfen for closing the polls! I wouldn’t have found the time to do it myself up until now.

I’ve merged Ansible 9: Follow ansible-core more closely by mariolenz · Pull Request #856 · ansible/ansible-documentation · GitHub and will merge the stable-2.16 backport once CI passes. Thanks everyone!