[VMWARE][TAG] Using vm tags to filter an vCenter inventory


I’m sorry to ask this question again, as I’ve observed that the use of VM-related tags in vCenter has already been addressed several times. But I still don’t know if it’s possible with AWX to filter an inventory via VM tags with the “Instance Filters” option.

I used ansible (ansible 2.9.6) before without AWX and I could use the tags associated with my VMs to filter the servers I had to process.
I can’t reproduce this operation with AWX (v13.0) because the tags don’t seem to go back into the VMs properties.

I saw that there was a “with_tags: True” option with the Ansible dynamic inventory plugin. Is it possible to configure this option in AWX. Does AWX use the same plugin?

Thank for your help


I saw that there was a “with_tags: True” option with the Ansible dynamic inventory plugin. Is it possible to configure this option in AWX. Does AWX use the same plugin?

Yes.Check the docs

Good luck!


thanks for your help

I’d already been through the doc. I already tried to set the “with_tags: True” option in “Source Variables”. It doesn’t seem to work.

In the reference ini file, I can’t find the “with_tags” option.

So I wonder if the use of tags is possible with AWX.