Is anyone using the customvalues option in the vmware_guest module? if you are, could you please share the syntax definition as i am about to kick my monitors off the desk…
I keep getting the following output from the play:
“msg”: “customvalues items required both ‘key’ and 'value fields.”
the customvalues appear to set just annotations on the virtual machine. Using the annotation option in vmware_guest filles in annotation.notes but you can use the customvalues to set additional annotations.
They are specified like this:
key: myannotation
value: “myvalue”
If the annotation you are trying to modify, in this case “myannotation” has not been defined as an annotation, you will get the below error.
"msg": "Failed to set custom value for key='myannotation' and value='myvalue'. Error was: (vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument) {\n dynamicType = <unset>,\n dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],\n msg = 'A specified parameter was not correct: key',\n faultCause = <unset>,\n faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [],\n invalidProperty = u'key'\n}" }
If it exists, it will fill it in accordingly.
I have seen a few posts kicking about regarding customvalues and what they do so hopefully this will help some people.
On the other hand, this isnt what i was after, i was trying to set some of the VMX options such as vcpu.hotadd which looks available via vm_extra_config in vsphere_guest, but nothing similar appears to be available in vmware_guest so if anyone knows how to do this in vmware_guest please let me know.
+1 on this. I would like to be able to add the changeSID to cause a SID regeneration, so i can attempt to auto join this to domain immediately after deployment. Does anyone have that working?