Does anyone have any documentation or know what parameters to use when using vmware_guest_snapshot to take snapshot, but adding an expiration period?
I looked over the ansible docs a few times and I did not see it.
Does anyone have any documentation or know what parameters to use when using vmware_guest_snapshot to take snapshot, but adding an expiration period?
I looked over the ansible docs a few times and I did not see it.
Hey Kyle – I have done a bit of ansible playbooks for the VI environment I work in…I had found that ansible is someone limit with the VI module. I have accomplished everything with PowerCLI with ansible.windows.win_shell module. I run it all from the Ansible server by installing Powershell on the RHEL ansible server. This setup allows us to run deeper/more complicated plays.
My 2 cents…
Ah! Okay then it’s not just me. Mind pointing out some documentation on the powershell script?
I don’t know if you use tower but what I do is take a snapshot named “snapshot by ansible” and for the removal I use the absent parameter (state: absent) and schedule the playbook to run at a certain time.
Just a example but there is a lot out there: https://petri.com/use-powercli-create-snapshot/
Examples of the plays that I run:
ansible.builtin.shell: |
Connect-VIServer -Server “{{ inventory_hostname }}” -User “{{ Admin_Acct }}” -Password “{{ Admin_Pass }}” | Out-Null
$NotRespondingHost = (Get-Cluster | Get-VMHost | ? { $_.ConnectionState -match “NotResponding”}).Name
ForEach ($NotRespondingHost in $NotRespondingHosts) {
$pos = $NotRespondingHost.IndexOf(“.”)
$ESXi_name = $NotRespondingHost.Substring(0, $pos)
$domain_name = $NotRespondingHost.Substring($pos+1)
$ESXi_name + “._ilo.” + $domain_name
executable: /usr/bin/pwsh
register: NotRespondingHostILO_Pre
delegate_to: localhost
We don’t have tower but I am planning on building AWX. We only have satellite and it is very limited.
Thank you for sharing!