VM IP not getting set when using vmware_guest module

Hi Team,

Not sure if this is a ansible bug, or something wrong with my script or setup. But I really need help.

Issue is VM is getting created, OS is installed, but IP, subnet, gateway, etc are not getting assigned to the VM.
Tried with guest tools running, as well. No luck.

Please find the details below:


Ansible 2.9.6 and 2.9.0 (tried 2.9.0 first, then upgraded, thinking there might be a fix)
python: 3.6.5
Esxi version: 6.7
OS: Rhel 7.6
kickstart file, turned to ISO used for Vm creation in my script.

I have attached my yaml file, ansible verbose log and interface snapshot of the vm.
I have tried all ways of wait_for_ip_address or customization, and even tried creating template and then assigning network as in this blog URL: https://graspingtech.com/ansible-deploy-vmware-vm/ , but nothing works.
Please let me know if I am missing something

Thanks and Regards,


VM_creation_script.yml (1.38 KB)
VM_creation_log (4.47 KB)