Hello Everyone
I built my control machine on a VM w/Ubuntu Server 18.04.4 and ansible 2.5.1. Mind you I am just learning so the version shouldn’t matter that much. I built my first and second target machines and I am testing the ansible ad-hoc commands.
When I do an ansible miscservers -m ping I get the following:
$ ansible miscservers -m ping
xxx.xxx.xx.x | FAILED! => {
“changed”: false,
“module_stderr”: “Shared connection to xxx.xxx.xx.x closed.\r\n”,
“module_stdout”: “/bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/python: not found\r\n”,
“rc”: 127
xxx.xxx.x.xx | SUCCESS => {
“changed”: false,
“ping”: “pong”
I do not know what to look for here to try and resolve this issue. Please may I get some ideas,