Version (and other) problems with Ansible Azure Modules

when trying to run:

  • hosts: localhost
    connection: local
    gather_facts: yes
    azure_region: ‘eastus’


  • name: Get facts for one resource group
    name: stevenca-csr

I get:

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “invocation”: {“module_args”: {“ad_user”: null, “client_id”: null, “name”: “stevenca-csr”, “password”: null, “profile”: null, “secret”: null, “subscription_id”: null, “tags”: null, “tenant”: null}, “module_name”: “azure_rm_resourcegroup_facts”}, “msg”: “Expecting azure.mgmt.compute.version to be >= 2016-03-30. Found version 0.30.0rc5 Do you have Azure >= 2.0.0rc2 installed?”}

This seems to be related to:

Although I am using Ansible When I work around that issue by replacing:

AZURE_MIN_VERSION = “2016-03-30” with AZURE_MIN_VERSION = “0.30.0rc5” in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/module_utils/

I still get:

An exception occurred during task execution. The full traceback is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/”, line 172, in
File “/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/”, line 169, in main
File “/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/”, line 125, in init
File “/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/”, line 178, in init
File “/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/”, line 133, in exec_module
self.results[‘objects’] = self.get_item()
File “/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/”, line 145, in get_item
item = self.rm_client.resource_groups.get(
File “/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/”, line 621, in rm_client
TypeError: init() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “invocation”: {“module_name”: “azure_rm_resourcegroup_facts”}, “module_stderr”: “Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/", line 172, in \n main()\n File "/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/", line 169, in main\n AzureRMResourceGroupFacts()\n File "/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/", line 125, in init\n facts_module=True)\n File "/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/", line 178, in init\n File "/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/", line 133, in exec_module\n self.results[‘objects’] = self.get_item()\n File "/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/", line 145, in get_item\n item = self.rm_client.resource_groups.get(\n File "/tmp/ansible_J5TjZd/", line 621, in rm_client\nTypeError: init() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)\n”, “module_stdout”: “”, “msg”: “MODULE FAILURE”, “parsed”: false}

This leads me to believe that I I have some substantial version problems with my setup or this stuff just does not work yet. Can someone make me less ignorant here (at least with this specific topic)?



I was able to work around this by using Ansible 2.2.0. Does the problem exist in Should I be using that instead?



The Azure Python SDK is unfortunately still unreleased and a bit of a moving target, which is the cause of the issues you’re seeing. Microsoft released a new RC on that stuff within a couple days of us shipping Ansible 2.1.0 that broke everything. We may end up retroactively labeling the new Azure RM modules as “tech preview” while their Python stuff settles down.

I’ve pushed some fixes to stable-2.1 and devel that should more-or-less make things work again in the next release, and Chris Houseknecht is doing a much more extensive pass over everything with the new Python SDK RC5 to make sure everything is good to go- those changes will hopefully land in 2.1.1 as well.


Is there a combination of azure python + Ansible that will work or is azure 2.0.0rc5 + stable-2.1 my best bet?



Yep, if you’re happy running from source, that’s probably your best bet- we’ll be backporting fixes to the Azure modules to stable-2.1 at least until 2.2 releases in late summer/early fall. Last I heard, RC5 was supposed to become the final release of the Azure Python SDK. Doing “real work” from the bleeding edge on devel is definitely a recipe for, well, bleeding. :wink:

Strange, I thought that I had this working with azure 2.0.0rc5 + ansible stable-2.1, but when I tried to re-install and run my ansible, I get:

An exception occurred during task execution. The full traceback is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/”, line 661, in
File “/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/”, line 657, in main
File “/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/”, line 438, in init
File “/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/”, line 192, in init
File “/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/”, line 449, in exec_module
deployment = self.deploy_template()
File “/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/”, line 476, in deploy_template
deploy_parameter = DeploymentProperties()
TypeError: init() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “invocation”: {“module_name”: “azure_rm_deployment”}, “module_stderr”: “Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/", line 661, in \n main()\n File "/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/", line 657, in main\n AzureRMDeploymentManager()\n File "/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/", line 438, in init\n supports_check_mode=False)\n File "/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/", line 192, in init\n File "/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/", line 449, in exec_module\n deployment = self.deploy_template()\n File "/tmp/ansible_nsnYjC/", line 476, in deploy_template\n deploy_parameter = DeploymentProperties()\nTypeError: init() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)\n”, “module_stdout”: “”, “msg”: “MODULE FAILURE”, “parsed”: false}

Would azure 2.0.0rc5 have changed in the past week? I had resorted to only using azure_rm_resourcegroup and azure_rm_deployment, but not azure_rm_deployment is not working. Any advice for, at least, getting azure_rm_deployment working again?



Just a guess but if you are running ansible from source and switching between branches, you may need to run a

make clean

to get rid of any .pyc files

Hope this helps,


I am installing with ‘pip install --no-cache-dir git+git://’, so the source directory gets plowed over every time.



Yeah, looks like the azure_rm_deployment module got missed for rc5 updates. I’ve tested and pushed a fix to devel and stable-2.1 (just in the nick of time for 2.1.1rc2), so try updating from stable-2.1 with submodules- should work now.


That worked! I really appreciate it! Should the other functions work at this point or will that still take some time?


I’ve cherry-picked everything back to 2.1 that’s been fixed in devel, so it should all work on current stable-2.1 (slash 2.1.1 RC2). If there’s stuff that still isn’t working, please file issues so we can get it fixed.



Is azure 2.0.0rc5 + ansible stable-2.1 supposed to work now? I have azure python sdk 2.0.0rc5 installed and I’m trying to run the inventory file that I plucked from the head of stable-2.1 but I get the following error:

[cafex@cfx-ansible stable-2.1]$ ./ --list
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./”, line 763, in
File “./”, line 760, in main
File “./”, line 369, in init
self._compute_client = rm.compute_client
File “./”, line 353, in compute_client
self._compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(self.azure_credentials, self.subscription_id)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/azure/mgmt/compute/”, line 146, in init
self._serialize = Serializer(client_models)
TypeError: init() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

I’m assuming this just has a dependency on the azure sdk and not my ansible install? As my ansible is not from stable-2.1.

It doesn’t look like your Azure SDK is at the correct version- the rc5 version of ComputeManagementClient does indeed take two positional args, and the version you have installed clearly only takes one.

The issue is not on the constructor line though it’s at line 146 of ComputeManagementClient which is the Serializer (inside the constructor)

That’s not us calling that, it’s the Azure Python SDK calling itself, so something is internally out of sync (possibly stale .pyc files?). The way they package “azure” as a empty meta-package that depends on lots of other packages makes it really easy for things to get out of sync, especially with some older busted versions of pip that can mask dependency failures. I’d suggest pip uninstalling every azure-* package (uninstalling “azure” by itself is useless) and see if you can reinstall.

Thanks! Uninstalling every azure-* package certainly helped me get one of my environments working! That’s now running 2.1-stable from source with 2.0.0rc5.
Is there a stable version of ansible that works with azure 2.0.0rc5?

Everything 2.1.1+ should work with either rc5 or rc6 (TMK there were no breaking changes against our Azure footprint in rc6).

Hi Matt,

Please let me know if you can help.

I have gotten Ansible working fine with Amazon AWS. But I am getting a 403 Forbidden Error when trying to provision a Resource group. I can delete a resource group I created on Azure though so my service principal must be correct. Here is the message on fail:

“module_name”: “azure_rm_storageaccount”
“msg”: “Parameter error: resource group Fun2 not found”

msg": “Error checking for existence of name Fun2 - 403 Client Error: Forbidden”

Or, if you know anyone who can help. I am trying to get started with Azure automation like I have successfully done with Amazon AWS.



We’re using the Azure RG module all the time on RC5. Here’s my complete azure pip freeze from our prod Ansible control node:


