variable undefined?

I’m confused why I’m getting a ‘variable undefined’ error with this playbook, anyone have any idea?

  • hosts: localhost
    connection: local
    gather_facts: yes


  • name: Generate a temporary random password for template/os customization
    randopass: “{{ lookup(‘password’, ‘/dev/null length=24 chars=ascii_letters’) }}”

… I use ‘{{ randopass }}’ somewhere else in this play and its fine… but then I get to this part:

  • hosts: staging
    ansible_user: Administrator
    ansible_password: ‘{{ randopass }}’
    gather_facts: yes

The field ‘password’ has an invalid value, which includes an undefined variable. The error was: ‘randopass’ is undefined


Variable are for a host… You use “localhost” and “staging”

unless the group staging contains only localhost, yes you will have some undefined variable for the different hosts in your staging group



Instead of "hosts: localhost" run the play with "hosts: staging" and limit
the fork to "run_once: true". For example

- hosts: staging
   - name: Generate a temporary random password for template/os customization
       randopass: ...
     run_once: true

This way the variable "randopass" will be defined in the "hostvars" of all
hosts in the group staging.

