variable list with inventory script


I’m using an inventory based on LDAP and have my own script to get the value sout of it. Currently I could only specify one value to a variable. I now changed the script a bit so I can get more.

This is an example from the output

→ ./ --host [devel]
“scripts”: [

In my playbook I want to iterate over the “scripts” list in a copy command like this

  • name: deploy backup script
    action: copy src={{ item }} dest=/var/scripts/{{ item }}
    with_items: scripts

This is what the playbook run returns

TASK: [deploy backup script] **************************************************
fatal: [] => input file not found at /home/vincent/BTR_INFRA/ansible/playbooks/roles/s3backup/files/, or /home/vincent/BTR_INFRA/ansible/playbooks/,

Both values are being pasted together.

What am I doing wrong?


Is that the exact output of your inventory script?

Seems like there is a good chance it might not be.