Variable in templatename ?

Parts of a template filename is not replaced by the variable:

- action: template src=templates/$product_settings.j2 dest=

fatal: [] => {'msg': "[Errno 2] No such file or directory:
u'templates/$product_settings.j2'", 'failed': True}


Sorry, can’t help you with this unless we see enough of the playbook and enough of the inventory file to see where this is being set.

There are no known issues with basic variable substitution.

The Var is just set before:
  product: myproduct

Problem is the template filename really is only a part:

Similar thing is with an include statement using the var within the
# config
- include: tasks/$product.yml

You need to do this then, since it is part of another string:

${product}_settings.j2 … OR (jinja2 syntax)

{{ product }}_settings.j2

Yes, that ${product}_settings.j2 works with the template

Thanks !