V2 is live

Hi all, the transition on devel to the v2 codebase is complete. If you run into any problems and want to switch back to using the old v1 codebase from a git checkout, simply source the hacking script in the v1 directory instead:

$ . v1/hacking/env-setup

As always if and when you find any bugs, you can either open an issue directly on Github or ping us on the ansible-devel mailing list or in ansible-devel on Freenode.


Congratulations on reaching this milestone.


Before I pollute the issue tracker, cannot get v1 code to source properly.

$ git show
commit 0826106441d15820d086c1c9eaf6242aa80e4406
Author: Brian Coca **snip**@gmail.com

$ ansible --version
ansible 2.0.0 (devel 0826106441) last updated 2015/06/03 21:55:07 (GMT -500)
lib/ansible/modules/core: (detached HEAD b138411671) last updated 2015/06/03 00:37:46 (GMT -500)
lib/ansible/modules/extras: (detached HEAD 1276420a3a) last updated 2015/06/03 00:37:50 (GMT -500)
v1/ansible/modules/core: (detached HEAD f8d8af17cd) last updated 2015/06/03 00:37:54 (GMT -500)
v1/ansible/modules/extras: (detached HEAD 495ad450e5) last updated 2015/06/03 00:37:58 (GMT -500)
configured module search path = None

$ source v1/hacking/env-setup
python: can’t open file ‘setup.py’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Setting up Ansible to run out of checkout…

Problem is in gen_egg_info(). $ANSIBLE_HOME is set to /path/ansible/v1 but the setup.py is in /path/ansible.

I just copied the setup.py into v1 and the source works.

But I don’t know if that is the right solution or the right way to solve the problem.

And now all my v1 plays throw AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘DEFAULT_SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS’


We just synced the v1 directory with the v1_last branch to resolve the AttributeError. I don’t believe the setup.py issue should affect things, or at least it hasn’t affected anything for me.

Many do I hate top posting.

Opened an issue before I read your post. https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/11171

Still getting:

$ source v1/hacking/env-setup
python: can’t open file ‘setup.py’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

But my v1 playbooks and plays are working now.

When we had v2 in a separate directory I commented out the setup.py stuff from the env-setup script. Not sure if that will work here or not. The v1/bin/ansible* scripts need to find some egg_info for ansible but chances are it doesn’t need to find a specific version.

Maybe the best plan is to copy a generated egg_info tree into the v1 directory and comment out the setup.py call.
