Using with_items with ec2_vpc subnets


The ec2_vpc module is used to create/change both VPCs and its subnets.

A with_items iterator on ec2_vpc, as expected, will call ec2_vpc as many times as there are items in the loop.

This means there is no way to add a with_items to the subnets parameter inside ec2_vpc

It is possible to create subnets variable independently from the call to ec2_vpc, and use that, however I am struggling to create the list I need:

I have something like:


    - stack: "atlas"
    - env: "dev"
    - app: "core"
    - visibility: "private"
    - subnet_parameters:
        - cidr: ""
          availability_zone: "ap-southeast-2a"
          suffix: "A"
        - cidr: ""
          availability_zone: "ap-southeast-2b"
          suffix: "B"

Any idea on how would I be able to generate something like this, from those variables? set_fact seems as if its not designed for loops?

  - module or something else here?
    - cidr: "{{ item.cidr }}"
      az: "{{ item.availability_zone }}"
        Name: "{{ app }} {{ stack }} {{ env }} {{ item.suffix }} subnet",
        stack: "{{ stack }}",
        environment: "{{ env }}",
        application: "{{ app }}",
        visibility: "{{ visibility }}"
      with_items: "{{ subnet_parameters }}"

Thanks so much,
