Using results of RDS facts to update a template

I’d trying to get the database endpoint into a Rails file. I know the RDS id, so I can get the endpoint using reds/command: facts.

Unfortunately, the RDS play has to use localhost, while the template write uses the actual target host.

So far I’ve done it using

- hosts:      localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False
    - ../ec2/ec2_params.yml

    - rds:
        command:       facts
        region:        "{{ region }}"
        instance_name: "{{ database_instance }}"
      register:        db_facts

    - name: save remote host
        content: "{{ db_facts.instance }}"
        dest:    /tmp/db_facts

- hosts: tag_class_apps
  become: yes
  become_user: "{{ app_user }}"
  gather_facts: False

     db_facts: "{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/db_facts')|from_json }}"

    - name: Update database.yml with current rds endpoint
        src:  ../roles/app_directories/templates/config/database.yml  # this template uses db_facts.endpoint
        dest: "{{ shared_path }}/config/database.yml"I can’t help feeling I’m making this too complex. What should I be doing?

I can’t help feeling I’m making this too complicated. What magic am I missing?



Rather than register the facts and write to a file, you can use a custom lookup to query the endpoint based on the instance name. Then you can put the following in your template file:

{{ lookup(‘aws_rds_endpoint_port_from_instance_name’, (region, database_instance )) }}

where region is a variable containing the region you use and database_instance is the name.

I’ve written some additional lookups, including one to get the endpoint of an RDS instance based on name here:
I’m also putting together a guide (nearly finished) that includes their use here:

Oops, that should have read:
{{ lookup(‘aws_rds_endpoint_name_from_instance_name’, (region, database_instance )) }}
The other returns the port.

Hi Dave,

I use a single play to get an RDS endpoint and write database.yml. It uses local_action to delegate the rds facts lookup to localhost.

For the example that you’ve shared, it would look like the following:


  • hosts: tag_class_apps
    become: yes
    become_user: “{{ app_user }}”
    gather_facts: False


  • local_action:
    module: rds
    command: facts
    region: “{{ region }}”
    instance_name: “{{ database_instance }}”
    register: db_facts

  • name: Update database.yml with current rds endpoint
    src: …/roles/app_directories/templates/config/database.yml


I hope this is helpful.


Hi Dave,

I use a single play to get an RDS endpoint and write database.yml. It uses local_action to delegate the rds facts lookup to localhost.

Of course. Thank you!
