Using json query filter


I’m trying to determined if package is installed and what version
I have the following tasks

cmk_version: 1.4.0p7

  • name: Check if check-mk-raw package is installed
    list: installed
    register: yum_packages

  • name: Display cmk_installed_version
    var: item
    with_items: “{{yum_packages|json_query(jsonquery)}}”
    jsonquery: “results[?name==‘check-mk-raw-{{cmk_version}}’].name”

how I can use jsonquery var that will grab anything that starts with check-mk-raw so I can test if package name containing check-mk-raw is installed.
Also what would be the best way to just extract the version/release only. if I use var jsonquery: “results[?name==‘check-mk-raw-{{cmk_version}}’].name” the result would be check-mk-raw-1.4.0p7. I will need to extract “1.4.0p7” value only

I can recommend using the to figure out what your jsonquery needs to be. You can paste your json into any of the example boxes and then tinker with the jsonquery and see the results directly on the webpage.

Hope this helps a bit


Why not something like:

  • name: Check if check_mk is installed
    shell: ‘yum list installed check-mk-raw-*’
    register: cmk_status

  • name: Check result
    msg: “{{ cmk_status| ternary( cmk_status.stdout…[extract version here], “Not installed”) }}”