using extra-vars with list and dict


I am missing the format of input the extra-vars with multiple choices .
In the playbook , I am passing 2 variables as extra vars and they are working fine .

ansible-playbook myplaybook.yml -e “server_ip= host_names=myserver1_10.100.100.100”

and able to execute my playbook successfully. However when I have multiple IP’s to feed in like below

ansible-playbook myplaybook.yml -e "server_ip=‘’, ‘’ …‘’ host_names=‘myserver1_10.100.100.100’, ‘myserver2_10.100.100.102’, …‘myserver10N_10.100.100.10N’ "

The playbook uses a temporary inventory and looking to input the same with hostnames as myserver_IP one after the other .
hostname: ‘{{ host_names }}’
groups: my_group
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: “{{ mykeypath }}”
ansible_ssh_user: “root”
ansible_ssh_extra_args: ‘-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no’

Two extra vars as lists to be passed and the items in extra_vars lists are to be processed 1+1 at a time . (ie … the IP must be processed along with host_names=myserver105_10.100.100.105"

According to you can use the JSON notation to pass in a list.
So you extra vars param should look like:

–extra-vars ‘{“server_ip”: [“”, “”, “”]}’