using dynamic inventory (folder) with vars_plugins fails

I use different ansible canonical project directories to separate out devops from platform from deployment variables.
Ansible affords gluing things together quite nicely using the
in .ansible.cfg

However, I also use a vars_plugin/ to manage my deployment variables in a hierarchical way. My plugin works fine if hosts, site.yml and vars_plugins are all in the same directory. But it fails if they are separate.

My commandline looks like

[ansible_deploy_vars ] ansible-playbook -i …/ansible_platform/inventory …/ansible_platform/site.yml

and my vars_plugins is symlinked like so.

[ansible_deploy_vars ] ls -al …/ansible_platform
vars_plugins → …/…/ansible_deploy_vars/vars_plugins

The problem is here:

def basedir(self):
    """ if inventory came from a file, what's the directory? """
    if not self.is_file():
        return None
    dname = os.path.dirname(self.host_list.rstrip('/'))
    if dname is None or dname == '' or dname == '.':
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        return os.path.abspath(cwd) 
    return os.path.abspath(dname)

I believe the purpose of basedir is to get the ansible project root dir (typical directory containing group_vars, vars_plugins etc) given a path to an inventory file.  But it does not handle dynamic inventory or directories correctly.  As is, 
[ansible_deploy_vars ]  ansible-playbook -i ../ansible_platform/inventory ../ansible_platform/site.yml

vs the following with a trailing '/' follows a different code path which seems wrong.
[ansible_deploy_vars ]  ansible-playbook -i ../ansible_platform/inventory/ ../ansible_platform/site.yml

Simply adding an rstrip('/') solves all my problems.
Would this be considered for a PR?

diff --git a/lib/ansible/inventory/ b/lib/ansible/inventory/

index 2048046…41c8f6a 100644

— a/lib/ansible/inventory/

+++ b/lib/ansible/inventory/

@@ -562,7 +563,7 @@ class Inventory(object):

“”" if inventory came from a file, what’s the directory? “”"

if not self.is_file():

return None

  • dname = os.path.dirname(self.host_list)
  • dname = os.path.dirname(self.host_list.rstrip(‘/’))

if dname is None or dname == ‘’ or dname == ‘.’:

cwd = os.getcwd()

return os.path.abspath(cwd)