Using consul to lookup group vars

We deploy RPMs by modifying a file within group_vars as follows. Is there a way to store the list of RPMs in consul and do a lookup and perform the installation? I want to get away from having to modify the file manually.



  • { module: api, svn_tag: ‘20150731r1_6.37_justified’ }
  • { module: ui, svn_tag: ‘20150804r1_6.37_justified’ }
  • { module: ui-sp, svn_tag: ‘20150719r1_6.37_justified’ }


  • name: Install PHP modules
    command: sudo rpm -Uvh {{ rpm_repository }}/aria-{{ item.module }}-{{ item.svn_tag }}.rpm --force
    with_items: php
    register: php_command_result
    ignore_errors: True