Using AWX over https


There was a thread from 9/17 where I believe this question was asked (!searchin/awx-project/enable$20ssl|sort:date/awx-project/PXjmJiw93lg/uLiVJ1_8BAAJ)
If I understand the answer, an https enabled installation had not been implemented for the awx container. Suggestion was to use haproxy or update the internal nginx configuration.

Well… I’ve deployed AWX using docker, and would like to enable https.
Since the thread is kinda old, was wondering if it is possible to bring up awxweb such that I can connect to it via port 443.
Right now it runs like a champ over port 80, but we’d like to make it listen on 443.


I believe that the feature request has been made a couple of months ago but (may be older than i thought) nothing released official yet. I use awx without docker. There is another project named stunnel which is quite popular. I bet you already heard that. put stunnel on tcp 443 port then just add some iptables rules to block tcp 80 connections coming from outside. That is it.

Thanks for the suggestion. May give that a shot.

Hey there!

So I recently opened a PR to complete this functionality: #3604

That builds on an earlier PR, #3322, which added this functionality for standalone Docker installs, but got mangled a bit when standalone was dropped in favor of only keeping Docker Compose.

Happy to assist in how I worked out our own setup using only the built-in setup, instead of adding HAProxy or another SSL-terminating mechanism out front (which is what we have currently that I am in the process of replacing).