Using Ansible with Archiva

I am new to Ansible and am trying to get a download from an Archiva respository. I am using the extra called maven_artifact. I can successfully download an artifact from Maven Central but not from my local Archiva. By all accounts, Archiva is working properly. It could be something as simple as me not getting the URL right when using Archiva, but I can’t tell. The URL Ansible assembles does not appear to be anything Archiva would understand, according to the Archiva REST API.

Is this supposed to work at all? If so, how?

Thanks in advance

This works:


I am new to Ansible and am trying to get a download from an Archiva
respository. I am using the extra called maven_artifact. I can
successfully download an artifact from Maven Central but not from my local
Archiva. By all accounts, Archiva is working properly. It could be
something as simple as me not getting the URL right when using Archiva, but
I can't tell. The URL Ansible assembles does not appear to be anything
Archiva would understand, according to the Archiva REST API.

Is this supposed to work at all? If so, how?

Thanks in advance

This works:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  - name: Get federation artifact
     group_id: junit
     artifact_id: junit
     version: 4.11
     repository_url: '
     dest: ./junit.jar

This does not work:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  - name: Get federation artifact
      group_id: org.webgme.guest
      artifact_id: WeatherFederateProject-java
      version: LATEST
      repository_url: 'http://cpswtng_archiva:8080'
      dest: ./WeatherFederateProject.jar
