Using Ansible per directory instead of per host

I know it will sound a bit strange but I wonder if there is a way to use Ansible per directory instead of per host.

Our current use case is the following: the same application (here WordPress) is deployed into multiple folders onto the same host (probably a very common scenario at a hosting provider).

We want to manage the configuration of all the instances in a ‘smart’ way (hence the idea of using Ansible). for instance, the same file (plugin) should be copied into the same subfolders of the instances.

This could be very easily achieved if all instances were hosted on different hosts, but I can find a way to achieve this in different folders on the same host.

Is that completely stupid? Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

Just use a loop that traverses per plugin + per dir.

- hosts: wordpress_servers
   - copy: src=files/plugins/{{item.1}} dest={{ item|join('/')}}
     loop: '{{ list_of_dirs|zip(list_of_plugins)}}'

^ pseudo code, but very similar to what you can do