Using Ansible authorized_key, how can I copy the keys from all hosts in a group?

I’m trying to use Ansible to copy keys from multiple hosts to a remote host user’s authorized_key file. In my inventory, I have a collectors group and receiver group, as follows:



I want to copy the ssh key from each host in the collectors group to the authorized_key file of user1 in the receiver group. I know I should user the authorized_key module, but I’m stuck on how to generate the “key” directive so it contains all the keys from the collectors group.

- hosts: receiver
    - name: copy collectors group keys to authorized_keys file
      user: user1
      key: ????? (not sure what to use here)
      exclusive: yes

I’m looking for some help to properly set the “key” value, or if there is some completely different and better way to accomplish my goal, please share. Thanks!

You need use fetch/slurp on each host, then once you have all the keys
you can pass them to authorized_keys.