User environment vars in lookup plugin


I trying to use environment vars in lookup plugin “hashivault”, but i have the feeling that lookup don’t load environment vars…

Exemple :

    - name: USER Create User
      tags: account_create_user
        VAULT_ADDR: "{{ vault.url }}"
        VAULT_TOKEN: "{{ account_vault.root_token }}"
        VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY: true    
        vault_path: "/test/{{ item }}"
        vault_username: "{{ lookup('hashivault', vault_path, 'username') }}"
        vault_password: "{{ lookup('hashivault', vault_path, 'password') }}"
        vault_state:    "{{ lookup('hashivault', vault_path, 'state') }}"
        vault_key:      "{{ lookup('hashivault', vault_path, 'key') }}"
        account_home:   "/home/{{ vault_username }}"          
      with_items: "{{ account_group_fusion }}"
        name:            "{{ vault_username }}"
        comment:         "{{ account_description }}"
        shell:           "{{ account_shell }}"
        password:        "{{ vault_password|password_hash('sha512') }}"
        groups:          "{{ account_groups }}"
        createhome:      "{{ account_createhome }}"
        home:            "{{ account_home }}"
        state:           "{{ vault_state }}"
        update_password: "{{ account_reset_password }}"

If i exec with module shell “export VAULT_ADDR”, remote host return the VAULT_ADDR.
But when use it in lookup ({{ lookup(‘pipe’,‘export VAULT_ADDR’) }}), VAULT_ADDR is doesn’t set…

Any idea ?

The environment: keyword affects the task/module/action on the remote
machine, lookups ALWAYS run locally and cannot access the
'environment:' keyword.