Use shell/command to update text file with variable name

I have a process that is exporting xml config from an application and the exported xml config contains the server name of the server it was exported from.

A grep contains would contain a list of these:


I want to make them via an ansible task:

./config_1.xml: ns:serverName{{ gold_server_conf }}</ns:serverName>
./config_2.xml: ns:serverName{{ gold_server_conf }}</ns:serverName>

Something like this?? is wrong because Ansible will just think {{ gold_server_conf }} is a variable… but i want it to treat it just as text

  • name: template out the server name
    sed -i ‘s/{{ ansible_hostname }}/{{ gold_server_conf }}/g’ *

You could use a template.

When in doubt try escaping :slight_smile:

  - name: template out the server name
      sed -i 's/{{ ansible_hostname }}/\{\{ gold_server_conf \}\}/g' *

Hi all,

please help me.

Build ec2 instances with attaching multiple tags names :-
For example- I have launched one ec2 instance with tag name “websever1” the next builds of ec2 instances should start with tag name webserver2 , webserver3 … automatically.

Note: No two ec2 instances have same tag name.