Use "register" local to a playbook (or unset a variable)


How can I “register” a variable in a playbook - but in a way that it will no longer be set in subsequent playbooks that get executed.

It seems that if I declare the variable at the top of the playbook, as in this example:

Actually - I’m going to rename the variable to “tmp” and just use it every time if I need to “register” something that’s actually only local to the playbook.
So basically recycling the variable - knowing that its value will be re-set (or fail to be re-set) each time I call a task using “register”. And having the coding convention of always using “tmp” for variables for these - I retain the full variable namespace for proper code.

Still, curious if there are a way to unset variables or maybe even use “register” in a way that is local to a playbook - but my code is working, so I’m happy :slight_smile: