Good day.
I need to make changes in the know_hosts files of users on various hosts. I’ll use a script to do the actual changes in known_hosts. I have the following simple playbook, so far. It identifies users with known_host files:
Good day.
I need to make changes in the know_hosts files of users on various hosts. I’ll use a script to do the actual changes in known_hosts. I have the following simple playbook, so far. It identifies users with known_host files:
I would use the dedicated find task. Apply a depth filter just in case.
Something like this should do the trick:
name: Find known hosts
patterns: known_hosts
recurse: true
depth: 3
register: found
name: Change known_host file
cmd: “{{ item }}”
loop: “{{ found.files|map(attribute=‘path’) }}” is a script on your controller, adjacent to your playbook.
Thank you, Dick!