I am trying to connect to an internal web service that uses SSL and self signed certificates
When I try to connect ansible fails, httplib2 gets SSL handshake error with the message “SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol”
connecting to the service from a webbrowser works fine.
any ideas on what I should do to make it work? getting official ssl-certs for the internal systems is not an option.
Jan Mattsson
IIRC this is a “bug” in older versions of httplib2 whereby the function that handles the SSL transaction does not support the ability to ignore SSL warnings such as self-signed certificates. I believe my “fix” was to upgrade to a newer version of httplib2 via Pip; I was using the distro-provided one previously.
Unless you’re totally comfortable just throwing down on the upgrade, let me know which version of httplib2 you’re running (I think it was ~0.7 that was affected) and I’ll double check.