Upgrade awx 1.0.6

I’d like to update awx 1.0.6 deployed using docker including data migration.

I installed awx 7.0.0 using docker-compose, exported data from awx 1.0.6 using tower-cli and imported the data.

There were error related to projects and their templates: “Failed to create project : The Tower server claims it was sent a bad request. Response: {“local_path”:[“This path is already being used by another manual project.”]}”

I’m worried about the schema, ansible and awx_web api changes in awx 7.0.0 comparing to 1.0.6.

Is it easier/safer just recreate all the resources manually?

What is the most compatible awx version to update from version 1.0.6?

Thanks in advance.

Is it easier/safer just recreate all the resources manually?

Yes, if you can do it I would recommend following this path.
And since, you’re upgrading and recreating everything already, I would upgrade to the latest AWX version too.