Updating the launch configuration on EC2


I've been playing with EC2 autoscaling for a while and my goal is to
start an instance update it and then save it to an AMI or use the
instance AMI id in a launch configuration tied to an auto scaling group
so that I have my instance up to date all the time and ready for scaling.

So I wanted to update the launch configuration using ec2_lc so that I
either use the newly generated AMI image or the image_id of the running
instance. The first doesn't work cause if I want to update the lc I
actually need to delete both autoscaling group and lc (and this is not
acceptable cause I have production instances running in the auto scaling
group, so deleting it will terminate those instances). The second
approach doesn't really work also cause I guess the ec2_lc module
doesn't support updating the lc or using the instance_id of my updated
instance in the lc, which is something that ec2 supports

I could use the ec2 tools inside ansible but just wanted to see if
anyone had this issue before and how you solved it - without using Tower
of course. :slight_smile:



Basically you just need to create a new launch configuration and then update it in the autoscaling group. Any new instances created in the autoscaling group will then use the new launch configuration.


Thanks for the suggestion, that's what I ended up doing.

Now to figure out how to delete all my old launch configurations.




Here’s my cleanup script and the relevant part of a module I use to do this.

If there’s interest I can PR the module.

def delete_launch_configs(asg_connection, ec2_connection, module):
changed = False

launch_configs = asg_connection.get_all_launch_configurations()

Delete all launch configurations that no longer have an attendant AMI

for config in launch_configs:
image_id = config.image_id
images = ec2_connection.get_all_images(image_ids=[image_id])

if not images:
changed = True


  • name: Obtain list of existing backup AMIs
    module: ec2_ami_facts
    description: “{{ ami_image_name }}-backup”
    environment: “{{ app_environment }}”

  • “-name”
    region: “{{ vpc_region }}”
    aws_access_key: “{{ aws_access_key }}”
    aws_secret_key: “{{ aws_secret_key }}”
    register: ami_facts
    ignore_errors: yes

  • name: Remove all but the most recent backup AMI
    module: ec2_ami
    image_id: “{{ item.id }}”
    state: absent
    delete_snapshot: yes
    region: “{{ vpc_region }}”
    aws_access_key: “{{ aws_access_key }}”
    aws_secret_key: “{{ aws_secret_key }}”
    with_items: ami_facts.images[1:]

  • name: Remove all launch configurations whose AMIs no longer exist
    module: ec2_lc_cleanup
    region: “{{ vpc_region }}”
    aws_access_key: “{{ aws_access_key }}”
    aws_secret_key: “{{ aws_secret_key }}”

ec2_ami_facts is used to enumerate the AMIs that I want to delete. It’s in a PR somewhere but was turned down for inclusion in core.


I don’t think you need a custom launch config cleanup module - but I understand you do need a way to tell it what launchconfigs to cleanup

ec2_lc already has state=delete

then it’s just a matter of determining the names of the launchconfigs that need deleting.


That’s the rub… the “just a matter of” is the piece that the custom module does. :slight_smile:


True, but a custom module that deletes launch configs without images seems less clean than a custom module that returns launch config facts that you could then iterate over:

  • local_action:
    module: ec2_lc_facts
    … credentials
    register: launch_configs

  • local_action:
    module: ec2_lc
    name: “{{item.name}}”
    … credentials
    state: absent
    with_items: launch_configs
    when: item.image != ami_facts.images[0]

I’d favour adding a list state to ec2_lc rather than a custom ec2_lc_facts module (and similarly for ec2_ami), but you’re right, similar implementations have not made it through the pull review process. (Although ec2_vol and rds have similar capability)