hello all
i need to update /etc/cron.allow on many servers
below is eg
x oracle
y db
x prod
hello all
i need to update /etc/cron.allow on many servers
below is eg
x oracle
y db
x prod
x oracle
y db
x prod
I assume the x should be the hostname, and the second column should be
the line in /etc/hosts.allow?
how can i do it for huge number of nodes ?
You put more than one host in the "- hosts:" line?
Seriously, put the x=oracle values in the host_vars for each hosts.
Call it something describing, hostname_in_etc_hosts_allow and set it
to oracle on host x (host_vars/x/main.yml), and to db on host y.
Then put the variable hostname_in_etc_hosts_allow in your task:
- name: Add a word in remote file
hosts: temp
remote_user: xx
sudo: yes
- name: edit cron.allow
destfile: /etc/cron.allow
line: '{{ hostname_in_etc_hosts_allow }}'
BTW: "sudo: yes" is being substituted by "become: yes" and
"become_method: sudo" for quite some time, might throw an error in
future releases.