until failing with grep command

Here with the following piece of code is waiting for the kubernetest pod to be disappeared after launch.
pod do disappeared but the script fails with the error.
I want to wait till pod disappeared and the continue with rest of the task.

- name: Check ms pod has disappeared
  sudo: yes
  run_once: true
  when: ansible_hostname !=  "inception-{{ vms_subdomain }}"
  shell: "kubectl get pod --namespace=vms | grep {{ item.key }}"
  register: command_res
  with_dict: "{{ microservices }}"
  until: "command_res.rc == 1"
  retries: 10
  delay: 20

TASK [sp-sif : Check ms resouce has disappeared] *******************************
Tuesday 07 February 2017 15:26:52 +0000 (0:00:02.051) 0:03:23.889 ******
FAILED - RETRYING: TASK: sp-sif : Check ms resouce has disappeared (5 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: TASK: sp-sif : Check ms resouce has disappeared (4 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: TASK: sp-sif : Check ms resouce has disappeared (3 retries left).

failed: [kubernetes-master-vik202vmsservices-1] (item={‘key’: u’iwan’, ‘value’: {u’streams’: u’ncs-alarms’}}) => {“attempts”: 4, “changed”: true, “cmd”: “kubectl get pod --namespace=vms | grep iwanms”, “del
ta”: “0:00:00.048855”, “end”: “2017-02-07 15:28:26.707882”, “failed”: true, “item”: {“key”: “iwan”, “value”: {“streams”: “ncs-alarmsf”}}, “rc”: 1, “start”: “2017-02-07 15:28:26.659027”, “stderr”: “”, "stdout
": “”, “stdout_lines”: , “warnings”: }

In Ansible return code greater than 0 is a failure.

But you can change that with failed_when:

You kan use this to make it work:
failed_when: command_res.rc > 1