> I have a below playbook which I am trying to run but it takes forever.
> Size of "test.tar.gz" is 100GB.
What is taking forever, the copying or the untar-ing?
> ---
> - hosts: TEST_BOX
> serial: 1
> tasks:
> - name: copy and untar latest tar.gz file
> unarchive: src=test.tar.gz dest=/data/tasks/files/
> I am using ansible Any thoughts how can I make it faster?
It depends on where the bottle neck is.
Your are copying from your client, if that has a slower connection you could put the file on another machine/server and get the file from there instead.
You need to transfer the file to the host first.
So that's why I in my example used curl, it will get the file and then send them in memory to tar that untar the files and save them to disk.
It have the same problem and I noticed that for my .tar.bz2 archove the next command is called /bin/gtar --list -C /data/sync --show-transformed-names --use-compress-program=pbzip2 --exclude=data/tmp -f /tmp/data-backup.tar.bz2
and it indeed takes twice more time presumably because of --list option.