Unable to upload zip.bin file using uri module

Im tring to translate a play i have that is using curl to use uri and nothing works for me
this is the what works for now:

- name: install via shell

shell: “curl -k --fail --connect-timeout 1 --max-time 1200 -X "POST" "\” -H "Authorization: Bearer {{ login.json.access_token }}" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "in_file=@/home/user/bundles/{{ item.key }}_docker.zip.bin""

loop: “{{ template|dict2items }}”

now i have translated this to uri:

  • name: install
    become: yes
    url: “
    Authorization: “Bearer {{ login.json.access_token }}”
    Accept: application/json
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data
    validate_certs: no
    body_format: form-multipart
    method: POST
    timeout: 1200
    remote_src: yes
    filename: “/home/user/bundles/{{ item.key }}_docker.zip.bin”
    mime_type: application/octet-stream
    loop: “{{ template | dict2items }}”

because this file is encrypted for some reason the uri module doesnt upload it correctly
in my server that the file is posted to , need to run some decryped script
and the file using the uri module is uploaded as not binary file if i open it - it looks like a certificate file inside and also the file size is bigger

if i uploads it using curl and open the file i can see the file is binary file and the file size is smaller
what is hapening? why is the uri module changing the file?

please help?

also the correct file type is seen as “data” when uploaded and from uri it is uploaded as ASCII


ב-יום שני, 15 ביולי 2024 בשעה 16:21:10 UTC+3, R Batchen כתב/ה:

well i got my anser in ansible github - it is impossible at a moment to post bin files using uri

ב-יום שלישי, 16 ביולי 2024 בשעה 12:37:51 UTC+3, R Batchen כתב/ה:

That is not a correct assessment of the issue. The server software handling the upload is incapable of utilizing the Content-Transfer-Encoding of multipart form data, and the python standard lib code is only capable of sending binary data with a base64 (or similar) encoding.

It is possible, but may be dependent on the server software that is receiving the data.